Ramakrishna Kanungo 2nd Year Masters Student
Microarchitecture design and chip tapeout. Secured industry job in load-store unit design.
Stanley Wu 1st Year PhD Student
Stochastic programming via multistage optimization for economic forecasting in uncertain supply and demand scenarios.
Abigail Wezelis2nd Year Masters Student
PERF and custom (PIN) based application performance modeling on commodity and microcontroller class systems. Secured industry job in embedded system design.
Srijan Chakraborty2nd Year Masters Student
Synthesis and performance/area/power analysis of very large RTL designs.
Calvin LeeUndergraduate Student
Assembly programming and assembler design and implementation. Calvin is now a graduate student at Stanford.
Joseph RavichandranUndergraduate Student
Implementation of custom synthesis passes in Yosys. Joseph is now a PhD student at Stanford.
Ian DailisUndergraduate Student
Implementation of ASIC design flow including a customized automatic place \& route algorithm for pseudo-CMOS logic implemented with organic transistors. Ian has succesfully taped-out a microprocessor using this design flow.